Initial Consultation
First hour free
Personal coaching
Make sense of your own journey
Often life can present challenges that we ourselves or even the support people in our circles struggle to make sense of. During those times we can often experience feelings or circumstances that are difficult to integrate in healthy or functional ways. Your All Round Guide is dedicated to assisting you find solutions that fit for you.
- Life Coaching
- Counselling
- Therapy
Business Coaching
Put the right systems in place
Many people who operate their own business feel burdened with the responsibility of wearing a variety of “hats” which is often overwhelming. Your All Round Guide uses and promotes simple, effective and professional systems and procedures to get your bookkeeping working for you, providing effective analysis of accurate business information to facilitate wise business decision making and works with you to plan for a positive future.
- Bookkeeping Training and Support
- Management Accounting
- Business Consulting
What Scott does
Help get life in order
How it works
Your All Round Guide is GOAL orientated. Understandably this sometimes means working through issues or roadblocks first and then we can ultimately work on the SOLUTION for moving forward, in ways that optimize your moment to moment living. We predominately use Zoom or Google Meets to conduct our meetings because of how time and cost effective this method is however face to face appointment can be made by arrangement.
Life Coaching
A truly dynamic process of Goal Manifestation ideally suited for those who know what they want to achieve but are unsure how to get there.
Business consulting
Business Planning and Budgeting Systems are paramount to financial success and long-term sustainability. Find simple and effective ways to focus on your business goal manifestations.
Sometimes, talking things through with the right person is all we need to find healthy solutions
Bookkeping Training and Support
Get your bookkeeping systems working simply and easily for you to achieve not only compliance but “real-time” business information availability.
Using the advanced psychological technologies of Neuro Linguistic Programming, we work with you at your pace to integrate and promote wholeness.
Management Accounting
Once your bookkeeping systems are functioning accurately and in “real-time” a fountain of information becomes available to improve business decisions and ultimately, profitability.
Who is scott?
Make Your Own Opportunities
Good luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Scott has always loved a varied life and has lived on farms through to big cities, has worked for others doing simpler roles, has managed department store chains, taught at TAFE, owned and operated accounting practices, cafes and franchise chains as well as coached and trained many individuals and groups along the way. He understands that life balance and personal integration is paramount to a happy and sustainable life experience. Simplicity is often best.
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